全国服务热线: 86-13780867506
Weifang Kaihong Chemical Limited is the world's leading chemical company – The Chemical Company. With our employees we serve customers and partners in almost all countries of the world. We help our customers to be more successful through intelligent system solutions and high-quality products. Through new technologies we can tap into additional market opportunities. We conduct our business in accordance with the principles of sustainable development
公司名称: weifang kaihong chemical 公司类型: ()
所 在 地: 全国 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: Weifang Kaihong Chemical Limited is the world's leading chemical company – The Chemical Company. With our employees we serve customers and partners in almost all countries of the world. We help our customers to be more successful through intelligent syste
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weifang kaihong chemical
  • 地址:
  • 电话:86-13780867506
  • 邮件:amanda@kaihongchem.com
  • 联系人:王晓文